Moving House xD

Dupa multe momente de indoiala, dupa o lunga perioada in care imi doream sa schimb ceva la blog, insa nu ma induram sa umblu la el, dupa o pauza extrem de lunga si multe suspine, am ajuns la concluzia ca este timpul sa spun Punct si sa o iau de la Capat. Niahara’s world of … Mai mult Moving House xD

Book Launch: Law and Crucible Saga by Ioana Visan

  Book 1: Nia is one of the few souls left aboard a drifting tomb known as The Pacific. The spaceship carries a deadly plague, and by the time they receive a distress call from an approaching shuttle, they are all close to losing hope they might ever escape alive. When the will of the shuttle … Mai mult Book Launch: Law and Crucible Saga by Ioana Visan

Review: The Stolen Life of a Cheerful Man

„The Stolen Life of a Cheerful Man explores the contentious yet universal themes of intolerance and understanding, discrimination and acceptance, violence and forgiveness. Dimitris Politis plunges boldly into the reality of contemporary Ireland, but from his own Greek perspective, creating an extraordinary mirror between the two countries, where glittering Aegean waves are crowned by Atlantic … Mai mult Review: The Stolen Life of a Cheerful Man

Do The Right Mix: Patrule in parcuri

Va povesteam in urma cu ceva vreme de evenimentele organizate in cadrul Do The Right Mix, o campanie europeana ce urmareste promovarea alternarii mijloacelor de transport. Majoritatea ne-am obisnuit sa pastram mijloacele de transport constante. Daca ne este usor sa ajunge cu metroul, vom alege metroul de fiecare data. Masina personala este la indemana pentru … Mai mult Do The Right Mix: Patrule in parcuri

Do The Right Mix: O Campanie Inedita In Bucuresti

Suntem cu toti obisnuiti cu nebunie de zi cu zi din orase. Nu chiar de indata ce apare soarele pe cer, dar cu siguranta odata cu orele 7:30 – 8:00 am, incepe nebunia pe strazi. Soferi suparati, clatonand de zor, prinsi in cozi interminabile, incercand sa ajunga la timp la servici. Autobuze, tramvaie si metrouri … Mai mult Do The Right Mix: O Campanie Inedita In Bucuresti

Review: The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. The Federal Organization

„The Chrysallaman Empire has colonized every habitable planet in the galaxy, ruthlessly exterminating any sentient race that dared object to their benevolent conquest. Now they have completed a six month exploratory mission on Earth and found it to be an ideal colonization planet with a temperate climate, vast water reserves, lush vegetation, and a ruminant … Mai mult Review: The Origin of F.O.R.C.E. The Federal Organization